Chelsea Physic Garden

Hello! I hope you're all having a great weekend. Spring has sprung, hooray! I absolutely love this time of year when mother nature wakes from her slumber. At the moment I am designing and making jewellery inspired by wildflowers and botanicals, and am heading outdoors a lot more in search of inspiration.

Last week I went into town to drop some pieces off for casting, and had an hour free so decided to visit the Chelsea Physic Garden. I'd been a few summers ago with my Mum for her birthday, we had an amazing lunch in the Tangerine Dream Cafe before exploring the gardens. Founded in 1673 by the Worshipful Society of Apothecaries to study and identify medicinal plants, it's the oldest botanical garden in London; a beautiful little haven tucked away from the hustle and bustle of the nearby King's Road. A warm microclimate is created within its secret garden walls, housing some of the rarest plants and trees, including a grapefruit tree, gingko tree and the largest olive tree in Britain. The beautiful glasshouses house exotic plants and flowers, and the different sections in the gardens showcase the wide range of healing and medicinal properties of the plants and flowers growing there. It's a real hidden gem and I will be coming back in the summer to gather more inspiration for my designs. 

It was the most glorious day in the sunshine and a perfect way to spend an hour relaxing surrounded by beautiful greenery. Do give the gardens a visit if you are ever in the area. The cafe is also wonderful and the food and cakes are delicious. 

Where are your favourite gardens in the UK?


Skill swap day with Upside Down Tree Studio


Magical Ancient Ferns